02 February 2018
Increasingly, local polytechnic students are choosing to continue their studies after graduation. This is a trend that has emerged over the past decade, and could indicate that polytechnic graduates increasingly value the edge that additional knowledge and expertise can bring to their future careers.
The proliferation of private schools offering both full and part time degree programmes could also be a factor leading to polytechnic graduates pursuing further education.
According to the most recent graduate employment survey conducted by the five polytechnics, 86.4 per cent of their graduates found permanent, freelance or part-time jobs last year within six months of graduation.
Graduates have also indicated, through the survey, their changing aspirations and desire to upgrade themselves continually. In fact, many graduates taking on part-time, freelance or temporary work do so because they are concurrently pursuing or preparing to commence further studies.
Flexible work arrangements, including freelancing, are also gaining in popularity among local polytechnic graduates.