10 July 2018
SkillsFuture was introduced in Singapore four years ago.
SkillsFuture is a government-led initiative to provide Singaporeans with the opportunities for lifelong learning. SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) is the agency in charge of the movement.
SkillsFuture aims to build a skills ecosystem. Such an endeavour is a multi-year effort. As a first step, companies need transform quickly and take the initiative to reskill workers.
The Government’s role primarily is to oversee this ecosystem, identify gaps, identify some of the shifts needed, step in and play the role of pooling different stakeholders.
People also have to start taking ownership of training and development, and to adopt the mindset that training doesn’t end when they leave the formal education system.
The four key thrusts of SkillsFuture are: Helping individuals make well-informed choices in education, training and careers, developing an integrated high-quality system of education and training that responds to constantly evolving needs, promoting employer recognition and career development based on skills and mastery, and fostering a culture that supports and celebrates lifelong learning.