21 February 2020
The Singapore Management University has cancelled all in-class graded assessments, including mid-term examinations, for all undergraduate and Juris Doctor courses.
Course instructors can convert the planned graded assessments into online or take-home assignments, but they will have to allow students at least one week to complete them. Another alternative for lecturers is to postpone the planned graded assessments until after Week 10, which ends on March 15.
On the other hand, the National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University both have directed classes with more than 50 students to shift to e-learning.
According to NUS dean of students Associate Professor Leong, there are 1,137 classes remaining with a class size of 31 to 50, and 618 classes are being relocated to larger classrooms.
NUS Professor Bernard Tan, the senior vice-provost in charge of undergraduate education, has said that e-learning is not as optimal as face-to-face classes, because we may sacrifice some of the learning experience of students.