08 April 2020
Almost all continuing education and training classes will take place online starting from today till May 4, with the possibility of being extended.
SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) has said that all in-person training will be suspended unless given approval to continue, which will be granted only for exceptional cases where e-learning or e-assessments are impossible.
In the Budget in February, SSG courses were earmarked as one of the ways to stem the loss of jobs. For instance, more than 1,000 companies and 10,000 employees from the food services and retail sectors are set to benefit from an SSG package that co-pays workers’ salaries with employers while they are sent for programmes.
Beyond the SSG framework, Singaporeans are also starting to enjoy a wider range of free and paid online courses offered by institutions here as well as overseas. Major online course platforms such as FutureLearn, edX and Coursera have experienced increased traffic to their sites.
For instance, FutureLearn offers a course in 3D printing — a field that is revolutionising the healthcare industry. The course is conducted by Professor Gordon Wallace, director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science at the University of Wollongong, and it introduces learners to bioprinting techniques and commonly used biomaterials. Users can take this free four-week course in 12 hours at their own pace.