07 August 2020
Most university orientation programmes are held online this year. Typical online programmes for incoming university students feature programmes such as online games and webinars.
At Singapore Management University, a group of 12 freshmen were hosted by two senior student facilitators in a teleconference call on the platform Webex.The incoming students were keen to know more about issues such as bidding for modules, which is a practice in SMU. Former Education Minister Ong Ye Kung also joined the group, taking part in some games and to chat with the students.
Other universities have come up with similar virtual orientation programmes. For example, the Singapore Institute of Technology will be holding a week-long orientation for its 2,800 freshmen from Aug 24 to Sept 1. It will feature virtual campus tours at each of the six SIT campuses, as well as activities such as having freshmen meet with their respective programme faculty, seniors and course mates via Zoom sessions.
The Singapore University of Social Sciences held similar programmes for its incoming students in July, and they included live chat sessions with SUSS competition groups such as the swimming, track and field and tennis teams.
Nanyang Technological University said its schools, residential halls and student organisations are putting together over 40 online transition programmes for some 6,000 freshmen this month.